
Install endnote x2
Install endnote x2

install endnote x2

You must be logged on as an administrator to perform this. You will therefore need to manually install them: N.B. If the above steps do not place the EndNote CWYW.dot in Tools > Templates and Add-ins, it means that the EndNote CWYW tools have not been installed.

install endnote x2

If there are any entries for 'EndNote' or 'CWYW', please select them and press Enable. Navigate to 'Help' > 'About Microsoft Office Word' > 'Disabled items'. In the 'Security Level' tab, set the macro security to Medium or Low.

install endnote x2

Check the 'Trust all installed add-ins.' box in: 'Tools' > 'Macro' > 'Security' > 'Trusted Publishers' tab. If the file EndNote CWYW.dot is not in step 1 above, please undertake the following three steps: 1. If the file EndNote CWYW.dot is ticked but the toolbar is still not visible, go to: 'View' > 'Toolbars' > and click on 'EndNote X1/X2/X3' to enable the toolbar. If you cannot see the EndNote toolbar in Word, please make sure that the toolbar is active by going to: 'Tools' > 'Templates and Add-ins' and make sure that the file EndNote CWYW.dot is ticked. » Print friendly version of this article.ĮndNote 13806 1.

Install endnote x2